[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000628s ] mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=qikan;charset=utf8
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_trade [ RunTime:0.001442s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_trade WHERE post_status = 1 ORDER BY published_time DESC LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.000704s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_magazine [ RunTime:0.000942s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_magazine WHERE post_status = 1 AND recommended = 1 ORDER BY post_hits DESC LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.000450s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_theme_file [ RunTime:0.001121s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_theme_file WHERE theme = 'simpleboot3' AND file = 'portal/article' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000445s ]
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[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_theme_file WHERE theme = 'simpleboot3' [ RunTime:0.000558s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_theme [ RunTime:0.001236s ]
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[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 33 [ RunTime:0.010576s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 40 [ RunTime:0.005845s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 47 [ RunTime:0.207733s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 54 [ RunTime:0.004487s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 61 [ RunTime:0.001158s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 68 [ RunTime:0.000655s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 75 [ RunTime:0.000528s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000261s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-26-%' [ RunTime:0.000320s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 27 [ RunTime:0.000856s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_portal_category_post [ RunTime:0.000672s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 27 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000258s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 28 [ RunTime:0.001108s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 28 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000223s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 29 [ RunTime:0.000711s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 29 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 30 [ RunTime:0.001021s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 30 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000219s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 31 [ RunTime:0.000449s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 31 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000215s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 32 [ RunTime:0.001105s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 32 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000460s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 89 [ RunTime:0.001042s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 89 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000354s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 90 [ RunTime:0.000856s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 90 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 91 [ RunTime:0.000607s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 91 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000247s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 92 [ RunTime:0.001144s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 92 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000274s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 93 [ RunTime:0.001542s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 93 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000271s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 94 [ RunTime:0.001227s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 94 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000256s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 95 [ RunTime:0.000620s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 95 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000254s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 33 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000245s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-33-%' [ RunTime:0.000319s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 34 [ RunTime:0.002229s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 34 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000425s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 35 [ RunTime:0.000661s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 35 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000270s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 36 [ RunTime:0.000966s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 36 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000372s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 37 [ RunTime:0.002187s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 37 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000401s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 38 [ RunTime:0.001055s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 38 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000303s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 39 [ RunTime:0.001861s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 39 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000326s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 96 [ RunTime:0.001017s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 96 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000295s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 40 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000782s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-40-%' [ RunTime:0.000661s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 41 [ RunTime:0.001819s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 41 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000346s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 42 [ RunTime:0.004189s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 42 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000526s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 43 [ RunTime:0.006318s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 43 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.001765s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 44 [ RunTime:0.002274s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 44 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.010794s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 45 [ RunTime:0.003094s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 45 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000435s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 46 [ RunTime:0.002363s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 46 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000407s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 97 [ RunTime:0.001931s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 97 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000552s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 47 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002703s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-47-%' [ RunTime:0.000349s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 48 [ RunTime:0.035849s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 48 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.001728s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 49 [ RunTime:0.006566s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 49 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000460s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 50 [ RunTime:0.147932s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 50 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.003534s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 51 [ RunTime:0.007991s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 51 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000396s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 52 [ RunTime:0.011406s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 52 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.001089s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 53 [ RunTime:0.155734s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 53 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.003056s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 83 [ RunTime:0.020383s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 83 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000777s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 84 [ RunTime:0.005968s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 84 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000596s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 85 [ RunTime:0.010315s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 85 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000703s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 86 [ RunTime:0.002164s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 86 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000443s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 87 [ RunTime:0.007409s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 87 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000605s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 88 [ RunTime:0.001977s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 88 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000426s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 54 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000322s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-54-%' [ RunTime:0.000348s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 55 [ RunTime:0.001059s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 55 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000374s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 56 [ RunTime:0.000834s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 56 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000295s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 57 [ RunTime:0.000852s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 57 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000322s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 58 [ RunTime:0.000493s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 58 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 59 [ RunTime:0.000779s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 59 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000249s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 60 [ RunTime:0.000625s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 60 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000260s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 99 [ RunTime:0.001011s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 99 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000258s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 101 [ RunTime:0.001211s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 101 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000278s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 61 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000226s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-61-%' [ RunTime:0.000452s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 62 [ RunTime:0.000769s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 62 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000237s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 63 [ RunTime:0.000510s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 63 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000234s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 64 [ RunTime:0.000522s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 64 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000288s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 65 [ RunTime:0.000416s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 65 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000272s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 66 [ RunTime:0.000393s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 66 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000236s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 67 [ RunTime:0.000398s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 67 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 102 [ RunTime:0.000696s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 102 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000260s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 68 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000267s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-68-%' [ RunTime:0.000387s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 69 [ RunTime:0.000510s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 69 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000219s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 70 [ RunTime:0.000671s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 70 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000256s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 71 [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 71 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000333s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 72 [ RunTime:0.000415s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 72 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 73 [ RunTime:0.000405s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 73 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 74 [ RunTime:0.000402s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 74 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT path FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE id = 75 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000237s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category WHERE status = 1 AND delete_time = 0 AND path LIKE '0-75-%' [ RunTime:0.000271s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 76 [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 76 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 77 [ RunTime:0.000407s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 77 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000217s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 78 [ RunTime:0.000399s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 78 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000252s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 79 [ RunTime:0.000384s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 79 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000225s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 80 [ RunTime:0.000375s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 80 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000291s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 81 [ RunTime:0.000543s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 81 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000255s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT p . post_title FROM cmf_magazine m INNER JOIN cmf_portal_post p ON m . post_id = p . id INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post c ON p . id = c . post_id WHERE m . delete_time = 0 AND c . category_id = 82 [ RunTime:0.000576s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM cmf_portal_category_post WHERE category_id = 82 AND status = 1 [ RunTime:0.000246s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_portal_post [ RunTime:0.001033s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM cmf_portal_post post INNER JOIN cmf_portal_category_post category_post ON post . id = category_post . post_id WHERE ( post . published_time > '0' AND post . published_time < 1731459315 ) AND post . post_status = 1 AND post . post_type = 1 AND post . delete_time = 0 AND category_post . category_id IN ('26','27','28','29','30','31','32','89','90','91','92','93','94','95','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','50','51','52','53','83','84','85','86','87','88','54','55','56','57','58','59','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','80','81','82') GROUP BY post . id ORDER BY post . published_time DESC LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.043569s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_option [ RunTime:0.001019s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT option_value FROM cmf_option WHERE option_name = 'storage' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000316s ]